About Me

Hi, I’m Darren, and welcome to whatever this is—an online dumping ground for my various thoughts, interests, and questionable life choices.

By day, I’m stuck in a job I don’t particularly enjoy, and by night, I’m attempting (and mostly failing) to turn my many fleeting obsessions into something vaguely resembling a career. So far, results have been... underwhelming.

This blog exists because I’ve always wanted to write but never quite got around to figuring it out. Will I craft well-researched articles on the paranormal, the occult, horror movies, music, or wrestling? Maybe. Will I just use this as a glorified LiveJournal for a 37-year-old who refuses to grow up? Also very possible.

I make no claims of being a writer, an expert, or even particularly coherent—but if you fancy reading the occasional word vomit about my latest fascination, you’re in the right place!

Brace yourself. It might get weird.