Let me introduce myself...

Hi, I’m Darren, and welcome to this—an online dumping ground for my various thoughts, interests, and questionable life choices.
By day, I’m stuck in a job I don’t particularly enjoy, and by night, I’m attempting (and mostly failing) to turn my many fleeting obsessions into something vaguely resembling a career. So far, results have been... underwhelming.
This blog exists because I’ve always wanted to write but never quite got around to figuring it out. Will I craft well-researched articles on the paranormal, the occult, horror movies, music, or wrestling? Maybe. Will I just use this as a glorified LiveJournal for a 37-year-old who refuses to grow up? Also very possible.
I make no claims of being a writer, an expert, or even particularly coherent—but if you fancy reading the occasional word vomit about my latest fascination, you’re in the right place!
In the mean time, if you'd like to subscribe and get my nonsense straight to your inbox, use the link below!